What is $67,000 After Tax in Massachusetts, United States?

For the 2024 tax year, $67,000 after tax works out to be $58,524.50 in Massachusetts, United States.

In the article below, we'll cover the federal and state taxes you'll need to pay on an annual salary of $67,000 in Massachusetts, as well as FICA and Medicare contributions you'll need to pay.

Note: for the purposes of this article, we have used single filer rates to calculate the taxes owed.

Salary Summary

Gross Salary

Total Tax
Federal Tax
Massachusetts Tax
FICA Contributions
Medicare Pemiums

After Tax Salary

Standard Deductions for 2024

A tax deduction is an item that you can use to subtract from your taxable income, which reduces the amount of tax you pay. There is a standard deduction amount that is available at both federal and state level.

The table below shows the federal Standard Deductions for 2024.

Filing Status Deduction Amount
Single $13,850
Married, Filing Jointly $27,700
Married, Filing Separately $13,850
Head of Household $20,800

The table below covers the Massachusetts Standard Deductions for 2024:

Single Married
$0 $0

How Much Federal Tax Will I Pay on $67,000?

Federal taxes are the same for residents in Massachusetts as they are in all other states and territories. In the table below, you can see how much your federal taxes will be on your $67,000 salary for the 2024 tax year.

Yearly Monthly
Gross Income $67,000.00 $5,583.33
Federal Tax $0.00 $0.00

The federal taxes above were calculated using the tax brackets below:

Single Filer

Tax Bracket Tax Rate

If you want to see the tax brackets for different filing statuses, head back to the main US salary calculator page.

Now, if only that were all the tax you had to pay! Next, we'll show you what your state or territory taxes are, depending on where you live and work.

How Much Massachusetts Tax Will I Pay on $67,000?

Each state or territory also has their own tax brackets that are calculated in the same way as federal taxes - using progressive tax brackets.

In the table below, we'll show you what your state taxes will be on your $67,000 salary for the 2024 tax year.

Gross Federal Massachusetts Net
$67,000.00 $0.00 $3,350.00 $58,524.50

The net values in the table above is your actual take home salary, and it also includes any insurance and healthcare contributions you may have.

Keep reading to find out how much you'll have to contribute towards FICA and Medicare.

FICA and Medicare Contributions on $67,000 in Massachusetts

FICA is a U.S. federal payroll tax. It stands for the Federal Insurance Contributions Act and is deducted from each paycheck.

Medicare is a federal government program providing healthcare insurance to individuals 65 and older, or those under 65 who meet eligibility requirements.

The table below shows how much of each tax you need to pay.

FICA Medicare
$4,154.00 $971.50

The latest rates for each can be found in the tables below.

FICA Rates

Year Wage Limit FICA Rate
2023 $160,200 6.2%

The Wage Limit amount is the maximum taxable earnings, and any gross income above that threshold is exempt from Social Security tax.

Medicare Rates

Bracket Medicare Rate
Less than $200,000 1.45%
More than $200,000 2.35%

Common Massachusetts Salary After Tax Calculations

The list below covers the majority of the most commonly searched for Massachusetts salary and tax calculations for salaries ranging from $10,000 to $1m per year.