Average Policy Change Technician Salary in Herat, Afghanistan for 2025

In this article, we will look at the average Policy Change Technician salary for 2025 in Herat and how that compares to other countries and professions. We'll also look at interesting salary data points like median salary, 25th and 75th percentile salaries, salary amounts based on experience, bonus ranges and more!

The data in this article has been compiled using official government salary data, salary surveys, and other sources such as job postings which contain salary information.

All salary information is in the local currency, which is the Afghan afghani. To keep things simple, we are using the AFN currency code instead of the currency symbol ุ‹.

How Much Does a Policy Change Technician Make in Herat?

A Policy Change Technician working in Herat will typically earn around 480,300 AFN per year, and this can range from the lowest average salary of about 228,500 AFN to the highest average salary of 759,300 AFN.

Average Annual Salary
480,300 AFN
Average Monthly Salary
40,025 AFN

Lowest Annual Salary
228,500 AFN
Lowest Monthly Salary
19,041 AFN

Highest Annual Salary
759,300 AFN
Highest Monthly Salary
63,275 AFN

These are average salaries for a Policy Change Technician in Herat and include benefits such as housing and transport. It's also possible for a Policy Change Technician to earn more or less than the average salaries shown above.

Policy Change Technician salaries will vary a lot based on your experience, location, skills, and gender. Keep reading below to research more data on each of these areas.

Distribution of Policy Change Technician Salaries in Herat

So we've looked at the average salaries a Policy Change Technician will earn in Herat. The next interesting data point is the distribution of salaries.

Salary ranges

We already know that a Policy Change Technician can earn between 228,500 AFN and 759,300 AFN on average in Herat. This is known as the range in statistics.

The difference between the maximum and minimum values is a good indicator of variability in salaries, and can be used by employers to figure out how much they can expect to pay, and for employees to know how much they can earn.

Median salary

The median salary for a Policy Change Technician in Herat is 510,300 AFN. This is the middle value in the distribution of salaries.

What this means is that approximately 50% of the population earn less than 510,300 AFN, and 50% of the population earn more than 510,300 AFN.

If you are earning more than the median salary, that's a good indicator that you are being paid well.

If you're not earning more than the median salary, your objective should be to increase your earnings to be at least as high as the median salary (which you can do by asking for a pay rise, looking for a better paying job, etc).


Percentiles are similar to the median salary, but instead of looking at the middle value, they look at the values in the top and bottom half of the distribution.

For the average Policy Change Technician salary in Herat, 25% of the population are earning less than 330,900 AFN while 75% of the population earn more than 330,900 AFN.

75% of the population earn less than 675,100 AFN, and 25% of the population earn more than 675,100 AFN.

Like the median salary, the 25th and 75th percentile salaries can be used to determine which quartile you fall into so that you know whether you are being paid well enough compared to others in your profession and location.

The difference between a median and an average salary

The median and average salary are both indicators you can use to see if you are being paid fairly based on the overall population.

  • If your salary is higher than the average and the median salary, you are earning well compared to others.
  • If your salary is lower than the average and the median salary, it could indicate you are not being paid well enough.
  • If you are somewhere in between then it's tricky to determine if you are being paid well enough and you might need to research more closely.

Policy Change Technician Salary by Experience Level in Herat

The most important factor in determining your salary after the specific profession is the number of years experience you have. It stands to reason that more years of experience will result in a higher wage.

We have researched the average policy change technician salary based on years of experience to give you an idea of how the average changes once you've worked for a certain amount of time.

  • 0 - 2 Years Experience. A Policy Change Technician in Herat that has less than two years of experience can expect to earn somewhere in the region of 263,200 AFN.
  • 2 - 5 Years Experience. With two to five years of experience the average Policy Change Technician salary would increase to 361,600 AFN.
  • 5 - 10 Years Experience. From five to ten years of experience as a Policy Change Technician, the average salary would be 513,300 AFN.
  • 10 - 15 Years Experience. Once you have more than ten years of experience the average salary reaches around 625,000 AFN.
  • 15 - 20 Years Experience. A Policy Change Technician with 15 to 20 years of experience can earn an average of 659,200 AFN.
  • 20+ Years Experience. For a Policy Change Technician with more than 20 years, the expected average salary increases to 719,100 AFN.

Average Salary by Experience Chart

0-2 Years
263,200 AFN
2-5 Years +38%
361,600 AFN
5-10 Years +42%
513,300 AFN
10-15 Years +22%
625,000 AFN
15-20 Years +6%
659,200 AFN
20+ Years +9%
719,100 AFN

Policy Change Technician Salary by Education Level in Herat

As well as experience in a job, your education plays a big role in how much you can earn. A lot of higher paying positions require a high level of education, but how much can a degree increase your salary?

In our research we have compared the salaries of employees in the same job and career level with different levels of education to see how much more you can earn at each education level.

The salary you can earn based on your education is very specific to both your location and the career path you choose.

In our research, we looked at the average salary for a Policy Change Technician in Herat based on the education level of the employees in order to find out whether a better education level would increase your salary.

  • Certificate or Diploma. A Policy Change Technician in Herat with a certificate or diploma education can earn an average salary of 311,700 AFN.

  • Bachelor's Degree. A Policy Change Technician in Herat with a bachelor's degree education can earn an average salary of 493,000 AFN.

  • Master's Degree. A Policy Change Technician in Herat with a master's degree education can earn an average salary of 687,100 AFN.

Average Salary by Education Chart

Certificate or Diploma
311,700 AFN
Bachelor's Degree +58%
493,000 AFN
Master's Degree +39%
687,100 AFN

How Much is a Master's Degree or MBA Program?

The approximate cost of a master's degree or post-graduate program like an MBA in Afghanistan is around 389,000 to 1,170,000 AFN and takes two years to complete.

As you can see above, there are financial benefits from reaching master's degree level, but don't expect to see much of a salary increase until you have completed the degree.

It's common for people to pursue an MBA or other post-graduate program in order to switch to a a job that pays more. On average, you can expect to earn around 10% more when switching to a new company.

Whether you decide to pursue a master's degree depends on many factors. If you are able to afford it, the numbers suggest that the return on investment is worth it and you could recover the costs in a few years from the salary increase you would receive.

Policy Change Technician Salary Compared by Gender

In the modern age, we know that there should never be a pay gap between men and women. Unfortunately, in many professions, there is still a significant difference between the salaries earned by men when compared to the salary of women in the same job.

In Herat, a male policy change technician will earn an average of 533,000 AFN, while a female policy change technician will earn around 440,200 AFN.

This means that a male policy change technician earns approximately 21% more than a female policy change technician for performing the same job.

Average Salary by Gender Chart in Herat

533,000 AFN
Female -21%
440,200 AFN

Policy Change Technician Average Pay Raise in Herat

In many countries, an annual pay raise is often given to employees to reward their service with a salary increase.

From our research, we can see that the average pay raise for a Policy Change Technician in Herat is around 6% every 29 months.

The national average pay raise across all professions and industries in Afghanistan is around 4% every 29 months.

In this case, we can see that the number of months between the average pay raise is higher than the typical 12 months.

To make the data more meaningful, we can calculate what the approximate annual pay raise would be using a simple formula:

Annual Increase = ( Increase Rate ÷ Months ) × 12

So for this example, it would be:

Annual Increase = ( 6 ÷ 29 ) × 12  = 2%

What this means is that a Policy Change Technician in Herat can expect to receive an average pay raise of around 2% every 12 months.

Annual Pay Raise by Industry in Herat for 2025

In the chart below, you can see the average annual pay raise percentages for each of the major industries in Afghanistan.

You will see that companies in bigger and more lucrative industries tend to have the higher annual pay raises.

Information Technology

Policy Change Technician Bonus and Incentive Rates in Herat

Another part of your overall compensation in a job is how much bonus you receive. Some job roles will be more likely to pay a bonus than others and also more likely to have higher bonus rates.

Generally speaking, jobs that are more involved with direct revenue generation will receive higher bonuses based on the performance towards revenue goals.

A Policy Change Technician is a low bonus based job, with 35% of employees reporting at least one bonus in the last 12 months.

65% reported that they had not received any bonuses in the previous 12 months.

For the employees that did receive a bonus in the previous 12 months, the reported bonuses ranged from 3% to 6%.

Received Bonus
No Bonus

What are the Types of Bonus?

There are a number of difference types of bonus you can receive in a job. Including:

  • Individual performance bonus - This is a bonus that is awarded to an individual employee for general performance in the job. It's the most common type of bonus.
  • Company performance bonus - This is a bonus that is awarded to a company employees to share profit with the staff.
  • Goal based bonus - This is a bonus that is awarded to an individual employee (or a team) for achieving specific goals, objectives, or milestones.
  • Holiday bonus - This type of bonus is usually paid around the holidays, often the end of the year, and is a token of appreciation for the hard work throughout the year.

Government vs Private Sector Salaries

Another commonly asked question is whether you get paid a higher salary working in the public (government) sector or the private sector.

Public sector employees in Afghanistan earn approximately 11% more than private sector employees in the same role.

Public Sector
971,200 AFN
Private Sector -11%
878,900 AFN

Salaries for Jobs Similar to a Policy Change Technician

In the table below, we have salary information for jobs that are similar to a Policy Change Technician in Herat.

Job Title Category Salary
Actuarial Analyst Insurance 1,333,900 AFN
Actuarial Assistant Insurance 938,100 AFN
Actuarial Specialist Insurance 949,600 AFN
Actuary Insurance 1,320,500 AFN
Adjustment Insurance Clerk Insurance 369,900 AFN
Assistant Broker Insurance 650,800 AFN
Assistant Claims Manager Insurance 1,023,000 AFN
Associate Insurance Representative Insurance 489,600 AFN
Auditing Insurance Manager Insurance 1,476,700 AFN
Broker Insurance 946,000 AFN
Claim Advocacy Professional Insurance 1,027,600 AFN
Claims Adjuster Insurance 369,900 AFN
Claims Analyst Insurance 519,300 AFN
Claims Examiner Insurance 519,300 AFN
Claims Manager Insurance 1,405,700 AFN
Claims Processor Insurance 369,300 AFN
Claims Representative Insurance 424,900 AFN
Claims Resolution Specialist Insurance 1,102,100 AFN
Claims Supervisor Insurance 991,000 AFN
Complaints Specialist Insurance 862,200 AFN
Compliance Examiner Insurance 904,700 AFN
Compliance Officer Insurance 761,400 AFN
Compliance Reviewer Insurance 895,900 AFN
Consultant Insurance 953,300 AFN
Eligibility Interviewer Insurance 1,009,200 AFN
Eligibility Specialist Insurance 1,004,600 AFN
Insurance Account Manager Insurance 1,148,200 AFN
Insurance Accounts Executive Insurance 1,021,800 AFN
Insurance Adjuster Insurance 895,900 AFN
Insurance Agent Insurance 559,000 AFN
Insurance Analyst Insurance 978,900 AFN
Insurance Appraiser Insurance 986,700 AFN
Insurance Claims Clerk Insurance 366,200 AFN
Insurance Examiner Insurance 903,500 AFN
Insurance Investigator Insurance 927,000 AFN
Insurance Manager Insurance 1,668,900 AFN
Insurance Operations Manager Insurance 1,728,900 AFN
Insurance Policy Processing Clerk Insurance 366,200 AFN
Insurance Pricing Assistant Insurance 790,600 AFN
Insurance Program Manager Insurance 1,345,400 AFN
Insurance Project Manager Insurance 1,212,800 AFN
Insurance Quality Assurance Agent Insurance 861,300 AFN
Insurance Sales Agent Insurance 588,500 AFN
Insurance Sales Director Insurance 1,632,100 AFN
Insurance Sales Manager Insurance 1,320,500 AFN
Insurance Sales Representative Insurance 514,300 AFN
Insurance Team Leader Insurance 1,023,000 AFN
Insurance Underwriter Insurance 759,300 AFN
Loss Control Specialist Insurance 995,200 AFN
Loss Prevention Investigator Insurance 1,074,600 AFN
Loss Prevention Manager Insurance 1,357,900 AFN
Loss Prevention Specialist Insurance 995,200 AFN
Marine Underwriter Insurance 743,100 AFN
Medical Auditor Insurance 985,700 AFN
Monitoring and Performance Officer Insurance 677,100 AFN
Payment Services Specialist Insurance 1,037,000 AFN
Policy Change Director Insurance 1,560,800 AFN
Policy Change Supervisor Insurance 1,083,500 AFN
Risk Analyst Insurance 1,124,200 AFN
Risk Management Director Insurance 1,942,700 AFN
Risk Management Supervisor Insurance 1,259,300 AFN
Risk Manager Insurance 1,870,400 AFN
Risk Modeling Manager Insurance 1,882,700 AFN
Title Insurance Typist Insurance 862,200 AFN
Training Manager Insurance 1,134,500 AFN

Salary Comparison by City

If you want to compare salaries with different cities in Afghanistan, you can use the links below to explore the data for each specific city we have researched.

City Average Salary
Jalalabad 442,200 AFN
Kabul 541,700 AFN
Kandahar 510,000 AFN
Kunduz 431,100 AFN
Mazari Sharif 445,100 AFN

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  • "Average Policy Change Technician Salary in Herat, Afghanistan for 2025". World Salaries. Accessed on February 13, 2025. https://worldsalaries.com/average-policy-change-technician-salary-in-herat/afghanistan/.

  • "Average Policy Change Technician Salary in Herat, Afghanistan for 2025". World Salaries, https://worldsalaries.com/average-policy-change-technician-salary-in-herat/afghanistan/. Accessed 13 February, 2025

  • Average Policy Change Technician Salary in Herat, Afghanistan for 2025. World Salaries. Retrieved from https://worldsalaries.com/average-policy-change-technician-salary-in-herat/afghanistan/.